Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Say good-bye to Hugs

Everyone needs a hug everyonce in a while, or even a simple high-five would work to get spirts up, but schools are begining to ban hugs and high-five from schools all together. This is outrageous. Personally I love a good hug everyonce in a while, especially when pressure is high and the pressure is the highest at school. Are schools pushing their limits when banning physical contact?
I believe so and so does 84% of the 5,215 people asked. They argue that this is a waste of time and energy. Some schools have pushed their limits and have banned all physical contact- even a simple high-five. Students are punished for braking the rules- resulting in detentions or even in some extremes, suspentions. They are not considering any differences in forms of touching. Since kids will fight for their rights and say "if they can hi-five, then we can hug" schools are banning all types of touching.
This has outraged many students and their parents. There are petitions going around the schools to unban physical contact. They believe that schools are taking to much control and should worry about other things, and not about students touching one another in harmless ways. It is one thing if they are trying to hurt one another and another thing if they are just giving eachother a simple hug or high-five. What if someone is having a bad day, the pressure of school can cause many students to have bad days, and they just need a hug, or a student does good in a sports game, they can't get a high-five? It seems a to be too much and school should worry more about their students struggling in classes and with their grades.

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